International Teletext Art Festival 2014 // Swiss, ARD, ORF and ARTE Text // Winning artwork
Illarterate’s TXTPunk as seen on SwissText, ARD Text, ORF Text and ARTE Text from 14 August to 14 September 2014. Here’s the blurb from this series’ page at teletextart.com:
Dan Farrimond’s case is curious. Perpetually rooted in the mythical 198X, he is doomed to forever relive the teletext generation through its largely obsolete technology. Thankfully, the 100-year “TXTPunk generation” has encompassed such life-changing technology as the teletext pocket calculator and Teletoaster, which burns teletext pages onto your favourite flavour of bread.
Selected as Winner of the 2014 Teletext Art Prize.
Further information (or not, as the case may be) on these entries can be found at the Illarterate Blog here.