Teletext art // Selfie: Sisters of the Amniotic Lens // ‘The Lens’ teletext service

Teletext art // Selfie: Sisters of the Amniotic Lens // ‘The Lens’ teletext service

Artwork for the in-game teletext service ‘The Lens’ for Rail Slave Games’ ‘Sisters of the Amniotic Lens’. It has been variously described as a ‘tribute to bad ZX Spectrum games’ and ‘the world’s most realistic fly shooting simulator’ by Illarterate and Illarterate. Ahem.

Here are a few screenshots to whet your appetite, but you’ll have to buy the game to see them all!

Alabama Beefmart Long John's Pirate Cruises The Big Glitch Easter Island Euclidus Rhinoplastyc Teletext hotline Text Mode ketchup Eclectic Pizza